Elon’s Right: We Should Go Back to Work — In Person

If you don’t want to succeed, keep working from home

Lauren Como
4 min readJun 10, 2022
Photo Credit: Babylon Bee

It’s time for America to go back to work, and I don’t mean virtually.

I’m sure you’ve read by now Elon Musk’s marching orders back to the office for Tesla employees.

Tesla will “create and manufacture the most exciting and meaningful products of any company on Earth. This will not happen by phoning it in”, Elon said.

While I do believe you can be productive from home from the standpoint of accomplishing tasks, you cannot be nearly as collaborative — and collaboration drives innovation.

I work in high-tech sales, and many of the solutions I sell enable remote work.

While I think it’s fantastic to allow employees to call into the occasional early morning meeting from their car as they drop their child off at school, never seeing another human being in real-time is a different story.

100% of the customers I serve agree with my perspective; they want their employees back in the office, and for as much time as possible.

Working Remotely is Dangerous

Not only is working from home less collaborative, but it’s also a hazardous career move.

