The Cold, Hard Truth About Marriage and Finance

Who you choose to marry WILL make or break your financial future

Lauren Como
6 min readAug 2, 2023
Photo Credit: Canva

I’ll preface this post with a trigger warning — I talk about the importance of writing your own prenup, discourage childless people from dating single parents, and point out the delusional dating and marital expectations that exist in today’s society.

While these are hard pills to swallow, I want to have uncomfortable conversations to hopefully inspire others to set themselves up for the highest probability of success.

Divorce is costly and can destroy your net worth…but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Many millennials, gen-zers, and older divorcees “poo-poo” the idea of marriage, and when I ask why, I usually get responses along the lines of:

“I don’t want the government involved in my relationship, I don’t want to give away half of my income in a divorce, and I don’t know if I want to spend the rest of my life with the same person.”

I’m not here to convince you to get married, however, I do want to bust a few myths about marriage and point out a few simple truths that your parents probably didn’t teach you.

First things first-love logically

